Do more with Colorizer
Upgrade your license to extend designs,
buy and sell Themes on the Store.

Upgrade to Pro

A Pro license allows you to sell your themes on the theme store.
Lost your serial Key? Retreive your old serial key

You already own the most advanced license. A Pro license allows you to sell your themes on the theme store.

Upgrade to Standard

A Standard license allows you to edit your themes.
Lost your serial Key? Retreive your old serial key

Upgrade to Pro

A Pro license allows you to sell your themes on the theme store.
Lost your serial Key? Retreive your old serial key

V.1 to V.3
Upgrade directly form the first version of LPX Colorizer to LP Colorizer V.3
Lost your serial Key? Retreive your old serial key

V.2 to V.3
Upgrade from LPX Colorizer V2 to LP Colorizer (V.3)
Lost your serial Key? Retreive your old serial key
